(713) L-A-W-S-U-I-T's Blog

Speed limits are there for the protection and safety of motorists. Speeding drivers can trigger car accidents resulting in severe injuries. If you or someone you love recently was involved in any vehicular accident, then you might need the professional services of a Houston speeding accident lawyer.

Insurance adjusters are trained and even expected to employ certain tactics that might get you to sign documents where you give up your rights to future claims. Sadly, some injuries caused by speeding drivers might get worse or fail to even start being painful until months after an accident. If you want to protect yourself from the insurance industry, then you should hire an auto accident attorney in Houston.

If you have professional Houston car accident lawyers from (713) L‑A‑W‑S‑U‑I‑T at your side, then any insurance carrier is going to have to treat your claim seriously. They’re not going to be in a position where they can take advantage of you, as we strive to make sure that you get every single dollar you’re entitled to for your compensation. Contact (713) L‑A‑W‑S‑U‑I‑T so you can schedule your free consultation.

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Why Do You Need To Hire A Speeding Accident Lawyer In Houston?

If there’s one thing that insurance companies typically are afraid of, it’s someone who has a good lawyer. Of course, most insurance carriers have teams of their own attorneys, but they also know that a typical trial is going to cost more than any compensation that a speeding accident lawyer in Houston, Texas is going to be looking for you to get. Car accidents are things that happen every day, and speeding is a primary cause behind most of them. If you’re a victim of any speeding accident, then you should not let any insurance carrier bully you.

Here are a few statistics regarding passenger automobile injuries and accidents across the United States in 2010:

  • Accidents were reported every 81 seconds
  • People were injured in vehicular accidents every two and a half minutes
  • Fatal crashes were reported just under every three hours
  • Traffic accidents are responsible for 9 out of 10 deaths in the age range of 4 to 33.
  • More than 200,000 people sustained physical injuries in different vehicular accidents
  • More than 3,000 people died as a result of passenger automobile accidents
  • More than $20 million was also lost due to such accidents

A lawyer meeting with a person who was injured by a speeding driver in Houston.

Some of these statistics are likely to be alarming to you. So, if you’re a victim of a car accident that involved speeding, you’re going to be very aware that it might happen to you as well. Car accidents happen every hour of every day for many different reasons, although speeding is certainly one of the worst. If you do not yet have a speeding accident attorney to represent you, then you might wind up finding yourself both in physical pain and broke.

Will Your Speeding Accident Claim Head To Court?

When you have a lawyer from our team of attorneys there to represent you, then you don’t have to worry. We can take care of anything from witness interviews to doing a full accident investigation.

If need be, we can possibly even call in professional experts that help recreate an accident so we have a more comprehensive understanding of what happened. Our attorneys can get ready for trial while also pursuing the utmost potential compensation outside of the court system.

Insurance carriers will only let claims go to court when they feel like they’ve got a good chance of winning or if they think your own attorney simply can’t afford the trial. If you have a reputable speeding accident attorney from Houston, like the ones we have at (713) L‑A‑W‑S‑U‑I‑T, representing you, then you’re more likely to get a fair settlement offer from the insurance company.

Most vehicular accident claims will never wind up inside a courtroom in Houston. However, it’s still crucial to hire an attorney that is prepared to fight for you in a courtroom, should it ever come to that.

Our Car Accident Lawyers In Houston Always Aim For The Utmost Compensation

If you don’t hire a skilled injury law firm for helping you out with your claim, then you could wind up with a lot less than you need to pay off your medical bills both now and in the future. You’re also not going to be compensated fairly for any time you spend off the job, any pain you suffer, or even injuries that you sustain. It’s certainly not fair, but it is what comes with taking on insurance companies on your own.

Insurance carriers always look to pay as little as possible, per policy minimums for the responsible driver. If they can find any way of paying you nothing, they’ll certainly take advantage of it.

If you are represented by a Houston speeding accident lawyer, then the insurance provider is going to know how serious you are about your claim, meaning they’re more likely to just offer you a settlement closer to what you truly deserve to receive.

How Do Our Lawyers Handle Speeding Accident Investigations?

If you wind up with injuries or lose someone that you love in any car accident resulting from a speeding driver, then you can pretty much count on the driver and their insurance company contesting your rights to get compensated for losses and injuries.

It’s not hard to gather evidence to build up a case against a driver like that, not like it was some years ago. Most vehicles have seriously improved data management and collection capacity, and there are many other tools available to Houston speeding accident and injury attorneys who can use them to identify speeding as a possible contributing factor for car accidents that result in injuries and wrongful death.

Doing a physical examination of vehicle damage and doing measurements of how long the skid marks are can seriously assist with ascertaining the actual speed of the automobile in question. Many newer makes and models of vehicles these days even come with EDRs, which are event data recorders. It’s useful for saving and monitoring information like wheel speeds and engine RPMs which can be later downloaded following an accident.

A car driving down a residential street at unsafe speeds.

An EDR in an automobile isn’t much different than a flight data recorder is to an airplane. In certain cases, security systems, intersection cameras, and traffic cameras can make recordings of accidents where images are retrieved later for helping determine vehicle speeds.

It’s totally essential to make sure that an investigation happens as quickly as it can following an accident as possible since physical evidence sometimes disappears fast. A negligent driver might even junk their vehicle fast to get rid of evidence that could be used against them.

In cases such as these, (713) L‑A‑W‑S‑U‑I‑T can get a court order that preserves both the damaged automobile and its EDR data. We might even work alongside law enforcement should they conduct their own criminal investigation into the negligent driver.

What Sort Of Damages Can Be Covered By A Speeding Accident Claim?

If evidence shows that speed was a contributing factor to an accident that resulted in your injuries, then we can help you in holding the at-fault driver accountable for injuries and other different losses that might include:

  • Wrongful death
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of earning power
  • Medical costs, now and in the future
  • Mental anguish
  • Physical impairments
  • When appropriate, punitive damages

Call Our Speeding Accident Lawyers In Houston Right Away!

At (713) L‑A‑W‑S‑U‑I‑T we are committed to providing you the best possible legal representation found in Houston. If you can give us a handful of details about yourself and your accident, then we can suit you up with a great lawyer. Some of our lawyers specialize in specific types of injuries or accidents, so we can give you the right one for your kind of case.

One of our Houston personal injury attorneys will reach out to you so they can answer every question you have and do a comprehensive case evaluation, all at no charge. If we deem your claim viable, then we’ll handle filing the paperwork required and begin negotiations with the applicable insurance carrier. Call us right away or contact us online to find out how we can be of help with your accident claim.

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